Planting and Transplanting Guide for Vegetables
This guide provides an overview of the best times to plant and transplant vegetables throughout the growing season.
Spring Planting Dates for Zone 5B-6A
- As soon as the garden soil is workable: Typically mid-April (around April 15).
- After the last frost date: Usually mid-May (around May 14).
- When soil has warmed: Early June (around June 1).
Vegetables for Different Planting Times
Start seeds indoors or under cover March 15 – April 1
As soon as soil is workable (April 15)
** Start indoors two to four weeks before transplanting outdoors.
- Beets **
- Carrots (direct seed outdoors)
- Kale **
- Kohlrabi **
- Leeks **
- Lettuce **
- Mustard Greens **
- Onions (sets, transplants, or seeds) **
- Parsley **
- Radishes
- Spinach **
- Swiss Chard **
- Turnips
- Rutabagas
After the last frost (May 14)
** Start indoors two to four weeks before transplanting outdoors.
- Beans
- Broccoli (transplants or seeds) **
- Brussels Sprouts (transplants or seeds) **
- Cabbage (transplants or seeds) **
- Cauliflower (transplants or seeds) **
- Celery (transplants) **
- Endive **
- Potatoes
- Sweet Corn
- Tomatoes (transplants)
When soil is warm (June 1)
** Start indoors two to four weeks before transplanting outdoors.
- Basil **
- Cucumbers **
- Eggplants (transplants) **
- Melons (transplants) **
- Okra (transplants) **
- Peppers (transplants) **
- Pumpkins **
- Squash (summer and winter varieties) **
- Watermelon (transplants) **
Last Planting Dates for Fall Crop
Fall crops must mature before frost halts growth. Use these guidelines for the latest safe planting dates based on Zone 5B-6A average first frost (October 1-15). Adjust for warmer or cooler regions.
June 10
- Lima Beans
- Edible Cowpeas
- Most Herbs
- Late Muskmelons
- Okra
- Popcorn
- Edible Soybeans
- Late Tomatoes
- Watermelon
June 30
- Pole Beans
- Brussels Sprouts
- Late Cabbage
- Celeriac
- Celery (transplants)
- Eggplants (transplants)
- Leeks
- Peppers
- Medium Maturity Sweet Corn
- Early Tomatoes
July 15
- Snap Beans
- Medium Maturity Cabbage (transplants)
- Carrots
- Late Cauliflower (transplants)
- Chinese Cabbage
- Cucumbers
- Head Lettuce
- Romaine Lettuce
- Parsley
- Rutabagas
- Summer Squash
- Early Maturity Sweet Corn
July 31
- Beets
- Early Broccoli (transplants)
- Early Cauliflower (transplants)
- Collards
- Endive
- Kale
- Kohlrabi
- Bibb Lettuce
- Mustard Greens
- Peas
- Swiss Chard
August 10
- Leaf Lettuce
- Spinach
- Turnips
- Radishes
Additional Notes
- Transplanting vs. Seeding: While some vegetables are typically transplanted (e.g., tomatoes, peppers), others like broccoli, cabbage, and cauliflower can be direct-seeded. Direct seeding should occur 2-3 weeks earlier than transplanting dates.
- Onions: Seed onions by April 30 or transplant by May 15.
- Early, Medium, and Late Varieties: Early maturing varieties can be planted later than medium or late-maturing varieties.
Some resources provided by Cornell Cooperative Extension of Tompkins County.